Global Wardrobe Exhibition Kunst Museum Den Haag

09 oktober 2021 t/m 16 januari 2022

The fashion collection of Kunstmuseum Den Haag is set up with a Western European focus. But anyone who opens the cupboards in the depot will soon discover how many threads there are with other cultures worldwide. Hand-painted cotton from India, supple Chinese silk, imaginative batik from Indonesia or colorful variations on the Japanese kimono: these garments carry the world within them and tell stories about inspiration and connection. Beautiful, but also painful stories, because many of these textiles were created during a period of colonization and unequal power relations. The current exhibition Global WardrobeThe Global Fashion Connection is presented at a time when thinking about fashion as a global phenomenon and cultural appropriation in the fashion world is in the spotlight. The Art Museum invites the visitor to look beyond the beauty and see the clothes as part of the world history they represent. Special attention is paid to contemporary makers who design with an open view of the world and put their own cultural background in the foreground.