Museum JAN compiled the exhibition based on themes that Noten 'struggles' with: originality, value, choice of materials and status. He is not unique in this; other artists and designers, no matter whether they are at the beginning of their career or in the middle of it, are experiencing this as well. That is the reason why they accompany Noten in the exhibition.

 Contributors to the exhibition Ted Noten & co. – on value are:

Maarten Bel, Merle Bergers, Elsemarijn Bruys, Koos Buster, Das Leben am Haverkamp, Yamuna Forzani, Corrina Goutos, Kalkidan Hoex, Bastienne Kramer, Tirzo Martha, Jelle Mastenbroek, Ted Noten, Joyce Overheul, Lex Pott, Saar Scheerlings, Joana Schneider, Anton Shebetko, Sebastiaan Straatsma, Sanne Terweij, Studio Lernert & Sander, Georgina Treviño, Mart Veldhuis, Sander Wassink.